Category Archives: Uncategorized

Scrappage schemes, what are they and how to pick one?
Ever wondered what scrapping schemes are and whether they could benefit you? In previous posts we’ve talked about the importance of scrapping your car in the most environmentally friendly way and how government legislation was brought in a few years ago to, not only make it easier to scrap a vehicle, but to give owners […]

Car breakers Leicester
Has the time come to scrap your car? There’s always a first time for everything and if this is yours and you’re looking for car breakers in Leicester, it might all seem a little daunting. In recent years scrapping your car has been made a lot easier, thanks to new legislation which requires scrapyards to […]

Our Top 5 Tips To Scrapping Your Car This Summer
So you’ve found yourself with a car that has been written off by the insurance company, or is so badly damaged in an accident that it’s beyond repair. Maybe stuff has been going wrong with your car lately but you’ve decided it’s too old, or of too little value to sell on. What next? Whatever […]
Replacement Windscreen Wiper Motors In Leicester
Cars are complex creatures, full of a whole host of mechanical and electrical parts that can sometimes go wrong. Often when this is the case, it’s something small that can bring you all manner of nightmares and when your windscreen wipers stop working, it’s a perfect example. You might think those little wiper blades aren’t […]